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Allotment diary

A new plot was taken on in late April 2023 at Gilroy allotment site, West Kirby.


The first section being turned over for late Summer / Winter Brassica's.


Mia lending a hand.


One month in, late May: small brassicas in, beans and leeks sown in raised beds, and a sweetcorn patch at the back.


Two months in, late June: plants growing well, thanks to our site neighbours who watered my leeks during the early June hot spell.


Our friendly Robin, who always says hello when i start digging.


Early August: crops coming along purple sprouting brocoli patch and autumn 'tundra' savoy cabbages continue to grow.


Runner beans cropping, lavender & chives in a recycled water butt for the bees.



Squash, with leeks in between some rogue nastertium plants which were left in.


The 'beast' pumpkin is currently ~45cm wide, sweetcorns pollenating, hopefully some dry weather soon.


Polytunnel progress: so much has happened.


On the left, spuds out, now herbs and salad, early cauliflower been and gone, massive basil and new carrot seedlings, at the rear many, many pepper plants and cucumber.


Late summer: corns coming along nicely, before the squirrels ate them.


Lovely bee loving plants: Cosmos, Rudbeckia Goldstrum.


Verbena: another bee favourite.


Seeds for 2024: Aim to add some vibrant colour to the plot and garden, and too provide for the bee's.


Robin says 'hello'.


New Raspberry bed at the end, all filled up with manure.

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